Beginning July 6th

A Total Consecration to the Father

to Consecrate on Transfiguration Sunday

August 8th!

Fr. Michael Gaitley’s newest book 33 Days to Greater Glory is, as the subtitle indicates, a total consecration to the Father through Jesus, based on the Gospel of John. You might ask, “Aren’t we already consecrated to the Father through Jesus at our baptism?” You are correct! This book is a renewal of that consecration that leads us to greater understanding. As you may have noticed, 33 Days to Morning Glory focused on the Mother of God, Mary, and the Holy Spirit, her Spouse. 33 Days to Merciful Love focused on Jesus, the Divine Mercy. Well, 33 Days to Greater Glory is a culmination of what began in the other two books. God wants us to share in His divine life, in the communion of the Trinity, in heaven. He draws us there in the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, to the greater glory of God the Father. As Fr. Gaitley takes you through the Gospel of John in 33 Days to Greater Glory, you can read how the Son reveals the Father to us during His time on earth. See the mercy of God revealed through Christ in the present time of mercy, which overcomes even the darkest turmoil of our present age.


Register Now for Free Digital Access!

We are offering FREE digital access to 33 Days to Greater Glory, located on our app! This is available to college students under 25 looking to join in our Nationwide Collegiate Consecration to God the Father! To join, simply fill out the form below! 


Begin reading July 6th to consecrate in time for Transfiguration Sunday, August 8th!

*By registering you will receive access to the e-book for free, plus daily emails with reflections on the readings and the daily prayers!”

"After having read Morning Glory and Merciful love, 33 Days to Greater Glory has helped me to understand what it means to be a saint and what it is to share in the communion of the love of the Trinity." It has helped me to see the love of the Father in the little things from the weather, to my interactions with friends, and ultimately in the attendance of the Holy Mass."
Ave Maria University

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.