The MMDM Spirituality

The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy provides a spirituality for priests, religious, and most especially, laypeople. Even more specifically, it’s geared toward those who want to become saints but who may see themselves as too weak, broken, and sinful to ever hope to achieve great sanctity.

Drawing upon the testimony of St. John Paul II that “now is the time of mercy,” the Marian Missionaries joyfully embrace this special moment of grace, a grace that accords with Romans 5:20: “where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more.” 

a spirituality answers the question

who do you say that I am?

The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy Spirituality answers that question in a particular way.  They look at the Spiritual life through a particular lens: the lens of Mercy!  It is through Mary that we are lead to Christ, who the is the source of God’s tender love and mercy.

the founders

The MMDM Spirituality rests on the shoulders of these great saints, to whom God revealed His tender mercy and the Mystery of Mary Immaculate: St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Mother Teresa, St. Faustina Kowalska, and St. John Paul the Great.




to become an mmdm

33 Days to Morning Glory

Begin with 33 Days to Morning Glory and learn about Marian Consecration, which opens us up to Mary's help and intercession as we begin the journey to sainthood.

33 Days to Merciful Love

Next, read 33 Days to Merciful Love and learn about the Consecration to Divine Mercy heals our hearts and prepares us to experience the saving power of Christ's Merciful Love.

33 Days to Greater Glory

This Consecration to God the Father that takes a deeper look at the Gospel of John and shows us how the Mass is truly the source and summit of the Catholic Life.

33 Days to
Mary, Mercy and Community

Responding to the Universal Call to holiness, this consecration helps us become saints through the lens of Mary, Mercy and Community

Copyright © 2018 National Young Adult Outreach of the Mary and Mercy Center: Ave Maria, FL. Under Leaders of Many a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.