Part three:

33 Days to Greater Glory

The third step to becoming an MMDM is to read 33 Days to Greater Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.  This book will dive into the heart of who the Father is and the relationship He wants to have with us as His beloved children.  

More specifically, relying on the Gospel of John, this book highlights the greater glory of the Mass that brings us through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, into the communion of love that ends with God our Father and embraces us even now.

Looking to Go


Read The One Thing is Three by Fr. Michael Gaitley, and learn about the truth and beauty of the Trinity through practical wisdom and spiritual insights.  Filled with references to Vatican II and St. John Paul II, this book will help bring the importance of Communion and the Trinity from head to heart to life!